
Elami Elami is an ear training app which offers exercises whose interaction is entirely based on audio. They are composed of some sort of challenge, which is followed, after a pause, by some sort of solution. All this effort only to be able to do ear training in public transportation! This software, written in react, is still in prototyping phase. The source code can be found here.

Chords Some lyrics with chords, mostly of sambas. Includes automatic tranposition, consistent line breaking and autoscrolling. The web pages were automatically generated by simple text files. The codes which does that and the source files are available here.

Répétition Software for musical repertoire practise with spaced repetition: like Anki cards, but targeted at musicians. Each song correspond to a card, in which one can attach youtube videos, sheet music, audio files etc. Every song is part of a repertoire. For each repertoire, the software suggests which song should be rehearsed next, based on the time since the last rehearsal and on the difficulty the user announced at that last rehearsal. It uses the FSRS algorithm to calculate it's suggestions. Users can also share songs and repertoires. Maybe this could have been implemented more easily with Anki cards, but it was a good excuse to learn Next.js. Répétition in french means both repetition and rehearsal, which is what this software is all about. Frontend source code here and backend here.

Biblioteca Library management software, and a quite simple one. Since the middle of 2024 it serves in production at Arco Escola Cooperativa, a cooperative school in São Paulo. There is a public section in the website linked above, but it is possible to check out all the features of this system in a sandbox instance available here. In this instance any user can make any modifications, but the database is reverted to it's initial state every day. The system handles book classification and cataloging, user and moderator management, label printing, backups etc. It can't import authorities nor handle Marc files. Alternatives to it include Biblivre (for brazilian libraries) and Folio. The source code is here.

Sheet music A few scores

LilyPond Scansion On this page you can split your lyrics into syllables, according to the syntax of LilyPond's \lyricmode. There are also a few tips for vim users who use LilyPond.

Conversion to booklet Provide a PDF file and we return it in booklet form.

About on stage choir positioning Some thoughts and animations about how a choir should self-arrange on stage.

Convert formatted text to GreenCloth Convert formatted text (e.g., copied from a website or word processor) to GreenCloth, a markdown flavour used in Riseup We.

Imaginary Landscape No.5 Bash script which calls a SuperCollider script. Given a few input audio files, it reproduces or records a version of "Imaginary Landscape No. 5". About the song, see this, this and this.

Audio transcription with vim Configure vim with mplayer to help audio transcription. Control mplayer from inside vim. To do that, we create a fifo or pipe and call mplayer in slave mode. Then we map some keys in vim to send commands to that fifo.

Onion service and some hacks with eotk Some tips to use eotk, i.e., to create an onion service which mirror some already existing website. These tips help creating v3 addresses and redirecting tor traffic to simple http.

Torrents A few torrents

Thirty exercises in harmony I organized this material in 2018 as a form of study. It is based on classes at Souza Lima (2012) and EMESP (2017).