LilyPond scansion

This software helps writing lyrics in lilypond. Given some text and a language it will:

  1. Break all words into syllables, separating them with double hyphens;
  2. Escape existing single hyphens with a backslash.

This is useful for aligning lyrics with music in a \lyricmode block, but is not sufficient. Melismas and elisions should be handled manually. For more information on aligning lyrics and music with lilypond, see this documentation page.

This page relies on a python script which you can also download here (in order to, for example, integrate the script with your text editor).

Tips for vim users

If you download this script you could, naturally, define some shortcut (say, <leader>-l) to apply the script to a visual selection:

autocmd FileType lilypond vnoremap <Leader>l :!python /path/to/<Enter>

Other lilypond configuration snippet I find very useful for writing lyrics is binding ctrl-space to insert double hyphens:

autocmd FileType lilypond inoremap <C-@> <Space>--<Space>
autocmd FileType lilypond nnoremap <C-@> a<Space>--<Space><Esc>l