Conversion to booklet form

In this page, you provide a PDF file and we return it in booklet form.

Number of pages in each signature

Turn pages by the short or long side when printing. If long edge is chosen, odd pages of resulting file will appear upside down

Select pages, separated by commas. Hyphens denote ranges: '5-' means from fifth page until the end. {} denotes a blank page


available units: pt, mm, cm, in, ex, em, mu, sp. Defaults to cm. Use negative values for trimming

See available options here

What is a booklet?

A PDF generated here will have two pages of the original file in each of its own pages. It is organized in such a way that, after printing, it is enough to follow these steps to achieve the correct page arrangement:

  1. Divide the document into blocks, each containing n sheets;
  2. Fold each block in half;
  3. Bind all the folded blocks together, maintaining the original printing order.

Here, the value of n depends on the chosen signature size. The signature size determines the number of pages from the original file that are present in each block. Since each physical sheet includes four of these pages, n is equal to the number of signatures divided by four.

Why this?

Booklet printing is pretty common by default in several printing dialogue softwares, but usually they are only able to print one signature. This page is useful if you have a big PDF which you want to turn into several signatures and print all at once.